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Your Guide to Finding the Perfect Carseat Canopy for Your Newborn

You might be wondering how you can find the best canopy for your little family. Here is a quick little guide to help you find the highest quality carseat cover for your little one.

Always Buy from a Company with Rigorous Safety Testing

This is an important rule for any baby products you buy. Your child’s safety is always the top priority, and the best brands know this. Trust the baby supply companies that put their products through rigorous safety testing to meet international standards. You don’t want to worry about synthetics and chemicals in your baby supplies, either. Look for a canopy from a baby supply brand that is Oeko-Tex Standard 100 and free of any harmful substances.

Look for Lightweight Materials Like Cotton Muslin

A carseat canopy is an excellent product because it can help keep out the outside germs. But that doesn’t mean it should be restrictive with airflow. Look for canopies made out of lightweight and breathable materials like cotton muslin. This material can help keep your little one cozy inside their carseat without restricting airflow and becoming stuffy. This makes it ideal for travel all year round.

Choose a Carseat Canopy with Silent Magnetic Closures

Disturbing a newborn’s naptime feels like one of the seven deadly sins. But when you’re out and about, it can be hard to be consistent with naptime. A carseat canopy makes it easier to block out light and noise so your baby can fall asleep a little easier no matter where you are. Look for a canopy with silent magnetic closures so you can check in on your snoozing tot without waking them up with noisy buttons and zippers.

Choose a Design You Love

Your carseat canopies can be as busy or calm as you would like in terms of fabric pattern design. Sometimes if you’re trying to wind your little one down for a nap with a walk around the block, you might want to choose muted colors without a pattern. But if you’re having an exciting day of exploring, a more vibrant design might be more your style. The best baby supply companies offer a wide variety of hand-painted designs that you are bound to fall in love with.

Consider a Carseat Footmuff for Winter

Depending on where you live, you might want to swap out your carseat canopy for an insulated carseat footmuff in the wintertime. This is for those chilly nights spent outside looking at holiday displays or getting in your outdoor time when the weather is chilly. A footmuff works in a similar way to a carseat canopy but will keep them extra cozy thanks to a weather-resistant topper. With both of these carseat covers at your disposal, your outdoor time with your little one will always be a walk in the park.

About Little Unicorn

You and your family deserve the best.

Find the perfect carseat canopy for your little one at https://littleunicorn.com/

Taryn Arbeiter

As a travel junkie and DIY enthusiast, I’ve been blogging about my favorite hobbies and products for nearly three years. I love the feeling of introducing someone to new brands and opportunities, whether it’s cute, fall fashion finds, or my favorite beauty, skincare, or health and wellness products. There’s something extraordinary about the discovery, so I love to share that whenever possible. Thanks for checking out my profile, and here’s to hoping my tips and tricks help you discover something you love too!

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