Myth #1: There Is Human Involvement In Every Online Proctoring Service
While a live invigilator may be dispatched by some online proctoring services to monitor the exam, this isn’t always the case.
Reducing the workload on human administration is one of the main objectives of an online exam management system.
The sophisticated online proctoring system from Shinkan, called Shinkan Edge, is an Ai-Based Proctoring Exams that elevates online assessments above manually supervised exams, whether they are taken in person or electronically.
Myth #2: Online Proctoring Software Is An Infringement On Student And Institute Data Privacy
Concerns over data security and personal privacy are understandable. Data security and user convenience are prioritized in an online proctoring system.
They never seek to gather or store personal data that is not necessary.
In its capacity as a specialized assessment service, Shinkan Edge only collects information to guarantee the academic integrity of an online exam.
the equality of opportunity for all students, regardless of the testing format. We also follow rules that guarantee total openness to the institute and the candidates.
Myth #3: It Is Easy To Cheat In Online Exams Since Online Proctoring System Is Not Very Effective
The use of artificial intelligence improves the detection of suspicious behavior and response patterns when compared to traditional proctoring methods.
There are various virtual proctoring systems that can be employed, such as “record and review” proctoring, which records student behaviors throughout the duration of the test.
Myth #4: AI Proctoring Software Can’t Be Used Where The Stakes Are High
It is a frequent fallacy that high-stakes tests like the GRE, A-Levels, CAT, and other internationally significant exams cannot be taken utilizing an online proctoring service.
High-stakes tests include the UPSC and JEE in India.
As a result of the dependability and efficiency of virtual proctoring solutions and AI proctoring,
several of the testing organizations that administer these exams have already begun offering online versions of the exams.
For instance, the GRE may now be taken effortlessly from home, and the UK successfully used an AI-based remote proctoring system to effectively administer A-Levels online.
Myth #5: Impersonation Is Easy In an Online Proctoring System
Myth #6: There Are Many False Positives Which Increase The Institutes’ Work
Any capable online proctoring system will be able to identify true malpractice incidents to prevent further human intervention.
This ensures that online educators can efficiently and successfully oversee all exams.
Shinkan Edge is designed with cutting-edge technology and essential components to avoid impersonation and fatigue from false positives.
Myth #7: Online Proctoring System Is The Same As Learning Management Systems Or LMS
No, they are not similar at all. Learning Management Systems (LMS) have become the go-to options for organizations, colleges, and businesses looking to offer digital learning experiences off-campus.
LMSs offer a wide range of options, but their inability to administer assessments in a secure manner limits their adaptability.
One strategy for preserving the transparency and objectivity of any test procedure conducted on any LMS is the implementation of online proctoring software as a service.
Myth #8: Physical Invigilation Is More Secure & Credible Than Online Monitoring System
There is misconduct everywhere there are exams. Candidates have been found to cheat even on tests administered in the physical mode.
Exams have a good chance of being secure and reliable if all candidate information is carefully checked
and AI proctoring gives each case equal attention without any flaws.
Myth #9: Online Proctoring Software Is Only Video Based
There are other proctoring methods besides video-based proctoring that can be used to oversee distant exams. Proctoring with images and sounds are two examples.
Shinkan Edge covers all the bases by assessing a candidate’s honesty while using the camera, microphone, and screen of the main device. When necessary, the camera of a second device is also used.
Myth #10: AI Proctoring System Is Rule-Based And Extremely Strict
Many applicants believe that they must adhere to rigorous rules during online proctoring, like not allowing their eyes or movements to wander. However, this is untrue.
There are various forms of online proctoring, some of which do not require constant or obvious supervision of test takers.
If candidates take the test from their homes or another familiar and relaxed environment, they can feel less anxious.
Thus, common stressors like being late or being surrounded by fearful classmates are no longer an issue.
Since the AI proctoring system only flags instances of actual cheating, Shinkan Edge enables candidates to appear as natural as possible.
To produce an accurate misconduct report, it uses deep technology to look at 25+ behavioral patterns.
Wrap up
In conclusion, as online and autonomous distance learning increase in a changing environment so does the use of online proctoring services.
Certain widespread myths, some of which are debunked here, have been encouraged by a lack of knowledge of online proctoring methods and technologies.
Shinkan, a well-known online proctoring business, aids corporations, educational institutions, and training and certification businesses around the world in overcoming a variety of challenges.