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Software Release Planning: Tips and Tricks

When we talk about a programming language or software development platform, release planning is one of the most crucial steps. Without well-constructed release planning, the delivery process of a particular software is uncertain. Since the whole process of planning is quite complex and effort-centric, businesses miss out on essential points related to the process.

In general, software planning refers to the process where the desire schedule of a software release date is set up sequentially.

Although there are various rows regarding the actual meaning of this term, this is a comprehensive definition. Let us know more about the software release plan and its basics.

What is Included in Software Release Planning?

Here are certain factors include in the entire process of software release planning.

Setting and Meeting Objectives

This step includes setting up intense objectives relevant to both the scaling of the business and the welfare of the target audience.

High-level Scope Definition

This step explains that every member of the planning team should understand the high-level scope of the project.

Making Approximations

When release planning comes, the development team needs to evaluate the approximate workload for smooth functioning.

Scope Implementation Control

Before release planning, a list of features and their release times are evaluate since it becomes convenient to analyze every step beforehand.

Guide to a Detailed Software Release Plan

If you want to build a software release plan, there are many factors that you need to consider. Moreover, there are numerous steps involve in a detail software release plan.

The whole process is generally divide into two essential segments: the first-time release plan and the iteration-wise updates during the process. Here both these segments are discuss in detail, which will help you to understand the overall process better.

First-Time Plan Release

Here are the steps include in the first segment of the first-time plan release.

  • Defining the product scope or the set of features is crucial at first. The feature set is the list of all the features that need to be implement in the develope product. In particular development platforms, the list takes the form of a simple backlog.
  • The next essential step is to estimate the workload behind the feature set. It is when the details of the effort and work require for implementing a particular feature are evaluate by the development team. Estimation of the workload in this specific stage is done through a method is known as Story Points. This method helps the development team understand the overall complications of tasks in the process.
  • Specifying WBS or Work Breakdown Structure for the project’s scope is another crucial step. When a Work Breakdown Structure is create, the tasks and subtasks involve in the overall process are broke down into a simple hierarchy. It helps in completing all tasks and subtasks smoothly.
  • The definition of dependencies between the program flows needs to done next. While some flows can be automatically and independently execute, there exist specific flows that need attention. Such flows are connect, and the only way to execute them is by running them simultaneously. Usually, this step is carry out for better and more effective workforce management.
  • The creation of an expert team is also essential. But at the same time, this team should fulfill their duties to the optimal level. Each development team member should understand their roles properly and at which stage they would be require in the development process.
  • Each individual and team’s pace should be set before the whole development process starts. Every member and team should understand the workload they must take during the first iteration in the development process.
  • Risk analysis is another vital task while developing the first iteration. A proper risk analysis should include the list of possible risks that can take place, the chances of those risks happening, the severity of those risks and finally, the solutions or potential steps that need to be taken to minimize the consequences.
  • The product scope should be highly prioritize at all costs. In this case, every feature must have its own priorities depending upon the backlog data. Moreover, you need to differentiate between all the features and determine the ones require for the first iteration.
  • Finally, you need to create a proper project schedule baseline and a well-devise release plan for the first iteration. This schedule and the release plan should be made solely base on the data receive from the previous steps.

Iteration-Wise Updates During the Process

Here are specific updates that you would need to perform within the process after every iteration is complete. Most custom software development companies use these steps for smooth processing.

  • After every iteration is complete, a specific scope burndown would need to be analyze. When consider in terms of release planning, scope burndown is the number of tasks remaining after completing each iteration or a particular release.
  • Like the burndown in scope, there would be changes in the backlog after every release is execute. Features and tasks are often add or delete from the backlog and should be appropriately noted.
  • After every iteration, a close analysis of the performance put forward by each individual and team. This performance must be compare to the predicte numbers and the output for further optimization.
  • After every release, the scope of the products in the backlog must be rearrange and reprioritize for the next recurring release. Updation of scope priorities holds an essential part of the whole process.
  • A new release completely changes the basics of the process. It comes with new risks and issues. Hence analyzing these new risks is essential to forecasting the upcoming issues. This also helps in coping with them quickly, and therefore every change must be notify.
  • Finally, the overall release plan project schedule baseline needs to undergo upgrades for the upcoming iterations after every release.

Tips for Software Release Planning

Here are some essential tips list that would help you manage the software release planning. Some of the top software development company, India use these tips, and hence these are professionally certified.

  • Create a complete blueprint for all the releases list in your schedule. Every possible risk, outcome, and performance shall be record in this blueprint, and after every release, the numbers should be compare. This maintains a proper track of all the releases or the iterations.
  • When such developments occur, every business should prioritize its goals first. Accordingly, they should structure the software release plan. Besides helping with smooth processing, this allows the business to scale better and faster.
  • Risks should be determine, and realistic assumptions and dependencies should be document. This helps to carry the software release planning easily.

Wrapping Up

Software release planning is an essential process within every business. It provides a robust base for the business to scale higher and generate considerable revenue keeping attractive profit margins.

Hence this process should be carry out carefully, and the optimal resource allocation should be done. Once the whole process falls into place, there is no looking back due to the immense potential software release planning has.


Patel Nasrullah Co-founder Peerbits, one of the leading offshore development team provider. With his guidance many companies hire virtual developers from Peerbits for their complex and customized projects. His years of hardwork, dedication, and experience has helped him in developing profound expertise for a wide array of technologies, tools, and platforms. He believes in sharing his strong knowledge base with learned concentration on entrepreneurship and business.

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