Ear Lobe Repair and How to Prevent Earholes from Enlarging
Your ears are among the essential features of your face, so the last thing you want is to lose or damage one of them. Suppose you’re experiencing pain or discomfort in your ear visit Best Dermatologist in Lahore.
In that case, you might be suffering from an earlobe tear or earhole enlargement (a common condition experienced by many patients with frequent ear piercings). Luckily, skin specialists in Lahore can help solve these problems and keep your ears as happy as possible!
Best Dermatologist in Lahore
Ear Lobe repair is where a skin specialist in Lahore carefully removes portions of damaged skin, sometimes even healthy skin, depending on how severely your earlobes have been damaged.
After releasing an area of skin that’s deemed damaged or dead, he then reconstructs the earlobes with stitches to stay correctly shaped. The stitches are removed after 3 weeks, and then you have beautiful earlobes again!
Best Skin Specialist in Lahore
To keep your earlobes as they’re supposed to be, you need to see the best skin specialist in Lahore. It would help if you visited us at Syed Hospital & Skin Specialist Lahore. We have world-class facilities.
With our services, you will be able to get rid of all health problems related to skin, including earlobe repair and how to prevent earholes from enlarging. Our skin specialists are highly qualified with years of experience in their respective fields.
Earlobe repair surgery with the best results
Before having surgery on your earlobes, talk with your best skin specialist or dermatologist in Lahore. You can schedule a consultation before deciding if you want to proceed with earlobe repair surgery. The best skin specialist will be able to guide you through these crucial steps for the best results.
Why Do People Develop Earlobes Holes?
Either trauma or regular wear can cause earlobes holes. If they are not kept clean, earrings can lead to infection in your earlobes, which may eventually enlarge them.
You must find a professional if you have concerns about your earlobes holes as some conditions can spread to other parts of your body, such as your eyes or throat.
What are the symptoms of large earlobes?
While it’s normal for earlobes to become a little larger as we age, sometimes these dangly flaps of skin grow too large. This could be due to several factors, including constantly wearing heavy earrings, having them pierced several times over or stretching them out with lengthy gauges.
The good news is that you can repair your damaged earlobes by following simple instructions from the best skin specialist in Lahore.
Is there any treatment for large earlobes?
To deal with large earlobes, there are a few cosmetic surgical procedures. The famous dermatologist in Lahore specializing in such surgeries can perform several treatments, including Ear Lobe Reduction (Scalp Advancement) and ear hole repair surgery.
Tips on how to prevent your earlobes from getting bigger
The last thing you want to see is that your earlobes get bigger with every passing day. While some people are born with large earlobes, others tend to expand theirs by habitually wearing heavy or multiple earrings.
Ear lobe repair may look complex, but there are many options today if you wish to make your ears smaller. The best dermatologist in Lahore can help you select a procedure that’s right for your body shape and lifestyle needs.