Which Are The Possible Signs of Low Self-Esteem?
Possible signs of low self-esteem | Living Excellence Today
The level of self-esteem refers to your sense of self-value. It defines your opinion about yourself, as it encompasses with it a range of factors, such as identity, self-worth, feelings of competence, and feeling of belonging. Your self-esteem plays an important role in defining your personality to a great extent. This is why you need to take extra care of your self-esteem. For this, you can check spiritual counseling online therapy for maintaining a good self-esteem level.
The definition of self-esteem is not limited to the above-mentioned parameters only. Instead, it has a lot to do with different aspects of your life, such as relationships, way of living, perspectives and values, and other parameters. Your self-esteem is also a factor that reflects the way you treat others and vice-versa.
In this world, wherever you find high-achieving people, you can observe one thing common in all of them, and that is a high level of self-esteem. As self-esteem covers many aspects of your life, you may be wondering about the signs of low self-esteem. Well, this article will address your queries to a great extent.
Signs of Low Self-Esteem
Whenever you feel low and incompetent about yourself, you actually struggle with your thoughts. A lot of counselors notice a similar pattern in many of their clients. They complain that they feel incompetent and struggle to do even their routine activities when they struggle with their thoughts. Well, getting back to the topic about possible signs that reflect your low self-esteem level. These involve the following:
- Lack Of Control: When you struggle with your self-esteem level, you start feeling like you have little control over things happening in your life. This happens due to incompetent thoughts that make you feel that things happening in your life are out of your control, and you cannot bring any changes to such happenings. Timely understanding of such incompetent thoughts could help you to bring changes to your thought process first and then to your overall well-being.
- Social Comparison: The habit of comparing yourself reflects your low self-esteem level. It is because the habit of comparison distracts you from following a positive trajectory toward your goals, which in turn causes you to feel miserable about yourself. Due to the habit of social comparison, you start feeling jealous of others’ accomplishments, which is not good for your personal growth.
Taking inspiration from others is all okay, but comparing your potential with others is not feasible in any sense. Hence, you, rather than comparing yourself with others, should look for positive points as inspiration for you. Else, you can look for spiritual counseling online seminars from a licensed professional counselor.
- Facing Doubts Asking About Your Needs: Among many signs of low self-esteem level, hesitancy to ask about your needs is a significant one. When you have low self-esteem, you may find it difficult to ask for assistance and support from others. Also, when you find your self-esteem level struggling, you consider yourself unworthy of pursuing good things in your life. Asking for assistance may feel embarrassing to you. Hence, you should consider this trait as a possible sign of low self-esteem.
- Worry And Self-Doubt: If you have low self-esteem, you will find it difficult to manage the outcomes of your decisions. You even doubt your opinions and may often defer to other people’s choices rather than looking for your own. This also leads you to face struggles like second-guessing and self-doubt. Such struggles over time impairs your decision-making ability to a great extent.
- Trouble Accepting Positive Compliments: According to some studies, people who have low self-esteem levels may find it difficult to accept or capitalize on compliments offered to them. It happens because they do not have a positive opinion about themselves; hence, they treat compliments suspicious to them.
If you do not have a good self-esteem level, you will definitely treat positive feedback with suspicion and distrust. It is because you may find compliments misaligned with your beliefs about yourself. This also causes you to feel that other people are flippant and cruel. Here, you need to work on your confidence level.
- Negative Self-Talk: Negative self-conversation is also a possible sign of poor self-esteem. This leads you to focus on your flaws rather than your strengths. Also, instead of engaging with positive self-talk, you prioritize considering negative aspects of yourself. Due to such tendencies, you blame yourself for all the bad things happening in your life. Well, to overcome this struggle, you only need to search “how to stop negative self-talk”on Google. The result might assist you to understand and address your concern.
- Fear Of Failure: Due to low self-esteem, you fear of getting failed in all walks of your life. This kind of attitude is a major cause that obstructs you from achieving success and great things in your life. As you fear getting failed, you tend to avoid challenges or give up easily without putting any effort into task accomplishment.
- Poor Perspective: Low self-value also leads you to feel that there are little chances that the future will be any better. Such feelings of hopelessness can make it challenging for you to engage in behaviorsthat could bring positive changes in your life. Self-analysis is the best way to cope with such feelings.
- Pleasing Nature: The habit of pleasing others is also a common sign depicting low self-esteem. Just to gain external validation, you lower your self-worth, which leads you to go to all extremes to ensure other people’s comfort and happiness. This often involves negation of your needs and comfort over others.
An Overly pleasing attitude is also the prime cause of turning a person’s identity into an “Always Yes” personality, which is not good from any perspective. As people surrounding you will take unnecessary benefit of your pleasing nature, which can also lead you to feel exhausted. Well, in case of exhaustion, you can seek burnout coaching.
Final Words
Low self-esteem is one of the prime causes why people are leading their lives in misery. Possibly, you may also experience any of the above-mentioned signs in any aspect of your life. Well, such signs are normal if they occur occasionally. However, if you are experiencing these on a routine basis, then it is depicting something else. Here, you need to look for an expert’s assistance who could assist you in identifying and addressing your struggle on a timely basis.
If you want to read more articles related to mental health struggles and spiritual counseling online therapies, you can check Living Excellence Today’s official website. On this site, Dr Gurpreet Kaur, a licensed professional counselor, regularly posts content related to different mental health struggles.