4 Types of Infant Formulas You Probably Didn’t Know About
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Baby formula is an artificial substitute for breast milk. A mixture of lipids, proteins and carbohydrates creates a dairy alternative. It is then reduced to a size that can be easily digested by infants. They also contain a variety of vitamins and minerals to achieve the ideal nutritional balance for a toddler.
Hydrolyzed Protein Formula
Babies who have difficulty digesting protein in standard formulas are the target market for this formula. Because these formulas contain such a small amount of protein that has been completely broken down, they are truly hypoallergenic.
Most babies with a cow’s milk allergy have no adverse side effects. Hydrolyzed formulas are usually given to babies who experience severe allergic reactions or unexplained digestive problems.
The formula is a valuable source of nourishment for infants who are not breastfed or receive breast milk in addition to the formula. Numerous infant formula varieties are available now, although cow’s milk-based formula is the most popular.
Organic Formula
Producers of organic products rely on organic ingredients and physical, mechanical or biological farming techniques. Babies with food sensitivities can benefit from using organic formulas because they are made with organic ingredients.
Additionally, there are no genetically engineered organisms. The primary benefit of organic formula is less potential exposure to pesticides and other chemicals. However, it has been established that pesticide exposure affects the cognitive and behavioral development of young children.
HiPP formula is designed to be as close to breast milk as possible, as it contains a blend of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals that are essential for a baby’s growth and development. It also contains Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids to help support brain development, as well as iron to help prevent anemia.
The formula is easy to digest, making it gentle on the baby’s tummy, and it is designed to be easy to mix with water.
Soy-Based Formula
Soy-based formula, made from soy protein, is an option for babies who are lactose intolerant or allergic to cow’s milk. But it’s important to remember that soy-based formula is not recommended for premature babies or babies with a history of thyroid problems.
Children under 12 months are suitable for soy products. Some parents prefer soy-based infant formula because they believe it can reduce colic, gas, and fussiness.
However, changing infant formulae rarely results in the disappearance of these signs. Hence, parents are advised to avoid switching to soy formula until a doctor recommends it over breast milk or cow’s milk. Soy formula might be appropriate for:
- Infants with galactosemia, a disorder in which they cannot break down the sugar galactose
- In the uncommon hereditary condition known as primary lactase deficiency, a newborn is born lacking the enzyme lactase necessary to break down the sugar lactose
- Secondary lactase deficiency, which is a temporary lactose intolerance brought on by a gastrointestinal infection
- Vegetarian or vegan households
Goat Milk-Based Formula
Goat milk formulas are becoming increasingly popular due to their higher nutritional value. Goat milk contains nutrients like vitamin B1, phosphate, chlorine etc. Goat milk formula is suitable for babies under 12 months of age.
Compared to cow’s milk, they are easier to digest and contain essential fatty acids that support brain development. In general, goat’s milk contains less lactose than cow’s milk. A small amount of lactose can reduce stomach pain if your child is lactose intolerant.
Even while the milk is rich in proteins and minerals, it lacks the necessary amounts of folate for a baby. According to studies, goat milk formulas benefit infants with conditions like allergies, eczema, and acid reflux.
Additionally, benefits for gastrointestinal health have been connected to it. Consider using goat milk if your child has excessive blood cholesterol levels in their arteries and gallbladder. You can offer your child goat milk to help reduce the amount of saturated fat and cholesterol they consume.
If you suspect your baby has a milk, soy, or gluten allergy that would need a formula switch, it’s essential to get them tested by a pediatrician first. You should consult your child’s doctor before drastically changing your child’s care plan.
Because the above formulas have important connections to meet medical needs, these formulas are used only under medical supervision and are often obtained from pharmacies.