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Writing a B2B blog post and optimize it for SEO

The foundation of SEO: the long-tail keyword

The long tail keyword is the essence of SEO for your article. It is present in the meta title, the meta description, the url and in the body of the text. For Google, this group of words represents the flag that flies above your boat allowing you to be seen and recognized when Internet users make a request on their search engine. You can get in touch with B2B Marketing Agency in London.

A good long-tail keyword is not defined by the volume of searches that result from it, but by the intensity of the visitors’ purchase intention. What are the 4 main criteria that the keyword of a B2B article must respect?

  • Define the main subject of the article
  • Understand at least 3 words
  • Be a group of words and not a list of words in a row
  • Following up on a real purchase intention

Let’s take the example from the article “ How to configure a CRM for an SME in B2B? ” from the keyword “CRM for a B2B SME”. This group of 6 coherent words defines the subject perfectly. Individuals interested in CRM are likely to do this search on Google. By solving their problem in this article and redirecting them to the associated offers, we observe a real purchase intention of the readers.

The components of an article’s SEO

The meta title

The meta title appears first in Google search results. This is the first impression you will give to visitors. To encourage them to click, this element must arouse their interest so that they know the benefit to be derived from it. For its nomenclature, the meta title does not exceed 70 characters and contains the entire long tail keyword defined beforehand.

Let’s take the example of the article on CRM in B2B. The meta title “The complete guide to using a CRM for an SME in B2B” provides answers to a real problem in B2B. Once again, the idea is to put yourself in your persona’s shoes to guarantee a quality experience.

The meta description

The meta description is the perfect hook to arouse the interest of your targets. Limited to 150 characters, it is the last element that will encourage the Internet user to click on the link. You must then be convincing, use action verbs and highlight the user benefit (and not your brand), all in one sentence.

The meta description for the article cited above is “Discover the secrets of configuring a CRM for a B2B SME in order to improve your internal processes and the daily life of the teams”. Ideal for highlighting customer benefits and showing Google the added value. This sums up the article without saying too much and grabs the attention of the reader who will find what he came for.


Your article URL represents the name of your vessel. It must be short, consistent with the subject and visible thanks to the keywords it contains.

It meets these nomenclature criteria:

  • remove accents
  • Do not include linking words, special characters or capital letters
  • Separate words with hyphens
  • Do not exceed 5 words

If these elements are forgotten, Google penalizes your content in terms of SEO.


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