Why React Native is a Better Choice for Mobile App Development
React Native is a software platform that is useful for building native and cross-platform mobile apps. In addition, it is a declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library that allows developers to build interactive and rich User Interfaces. This front-end library is maintained by Facebook and it is responsible only for the view layer of the application.
Features Of React Native
React Native is an open-source software tool that has great support from Facebook. The fact that Facebook believes in this project ensures that it is a future-proof and sustainable choice. In addition, it is modular and intuitive and it allows developers to easily delve into someone else’s project and repose on it. Thus, automatically increasing flexibility within a development team and easily updating and upgrading the web applications.
Furthermore, this modular and intuitive approach helps in saving valuable time as it allows the team to build appropriate testing scenarios in less time. React Native also results in speeding up the development process as it requires far less time to load an internet page using React. Moreover, Google scans these pages and attributes a better score to them which is an advantage for web applications. There are many React Native Training Institute in Delhi and one can enroll in them to start a career in it. Apart from these, given below are some of the features of React Native.
- Maximum Code Reuse & Cost Saving- It allows a developer to use the same code for deployment both for iOS and Android. This results in reducing the time & cost required for code deployment.
- Live Reload- This feature is useful in quickly observing the aftereffect of the most recent change that you have made to the code. Thus, allowing you to observe the impact of what you have changed on one screen, on the other screen.
- Strong Performance for Mobile Environments- Unlike other Native platforms, React Native uses the GPU (Graphics Processing Unit). This approach results in making this software tool superfast.
- NPM Libraries Support- It uses the Node Package Manager or NPM for installation which is fairly easy to apply. in addition, even the learners can also research NPM commands easily.
Why React Native is a Better Choice for Mobile App Development
React Native is a highly beneficial and useful framework that facilitates cross-platform compatibility in developing mobile applications. In addition, it uses React JS with a native UI library and native APIs that is useful in writing the base code of an application that can run on both iOS and Android platforms. It ensures faster development and allows you to launch your app as fast as possible. Furthermore, it comes with reusable code & pre-built components that facilitate better cross-platform mobile app development.
React Native follows the “write-once and launch everywhere” approach that allows a user to reuse the written code for both iOS and Android apps. Moreover, it helps in improving the performances through native control and modules and results in reducing the cost of app development process. Above all, it provides various handy solutions & libraries that simplifies the task of mobile app development. To further know about it, one can visit React Native Training in Noida. Apart from these, given below are some of the reasons for using React Native for Mobile App development.
Some reasons to use React Native
- Stable and high-performing apps- It uses a simple binding strategy for its codebase and helps a developer in developing a more stable and reliable application. In addition, it is also useful for adding a single view or user flow to existing native applications.
- Hot and Live Reloading- This feature allows developers to work with the code changes in real-time. In addition, they can also fix them when the application is loading. Moreover, its live feature automatically reloads the complete application after making changes.
- Rich UI- It comes with various pre-declarative components like Button, Picker, and Slider that allow you to create unique and compelling UIs. Moreover, it offers various other android and iOS-specific components useful for iOS and Android mobile devices.
- Community support- It is a highly popular software tool and has a vast community of developers. Thus, it allows your developers to get help from community experts. Moreover, due to its industry popularity, Native app development will remain relevant in the future.
React Native is a JavaScript library that is useful in building native and cross-platform mobile apps. It facilitates Maximum Code Reuse & Cost Saving and provides features like NPM Libraries Support and live reload. In conclusion, it is useful in Mobile App development as it offers various benefits like community support and rich UI.