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Namespaces & Scopes in Python

We will learn about Python namespaces, namespace types, and Python scopes in this post. In python programming, each and every element is regarded as an object. A name is nothing more than an object’s identifier. And the location in the main memory that corresponds to that object is called space. A namespace is a group of names connected to a certain location in the main memory. Built-in Namespace, Global Namespace, and Local Namespace are the three different namespace types in Python. The upper namespaces are accessible from each lower namespace. And namespaces in Python determine the scope of variables. The following parts will provide us with further information about this:

Python namespaces

A namespace is a collection of symbolic names that are currently specified together with details about the objects to which each name refers. A namespace may be compared to a dictionary where the keys are the names of the objects and the values are the actual objects. Each key-value combination corresponds to an object by mapping a name to it.

Namespaces aren’t merely excellent, as Tim Peters proposes. Python makes significant use of them since they’re awesome. There are four different sorts of namespaces in a Python programme:

  1. Built-In
  2. Global
  3. Enclosing
  4. Local

These have varying life spans. Namespaces are created and deleted as needed over the course of a Python program’s execution. There will often be a lot of namespaces active at once.

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Python Namespace Illustration

The greatest illustration of namespaces in a computer system is a file directory. Even if they are kept in distinct places, files might share names yet contain different contents. We can locate a file precisely if we are aware of its precise address. A nice current example of the namespace is the phone book. There are many results when we try to search for a John’s phone number, making it challenging to discover the correct one. However, if we know John’s last name, we can see the right number. In this instance, space is determined by the person’s position and the person’s name serves as a name or identifier in Python.

Python Namespaces: Different Types

The Built-In Namespace

All of Python’s built-in objects have names, which are all contained in the built-in namespace. When Python is running, they are always accessible. Some functions, such as input(), print(), and type(), are always present when the Python interpreter is executed without any user-defined classes, modules, or functions. These namespaces are built-in to Python.

Global Namespace

All names declared at the level of the main programme are included in the global namespace. When the main programme body of Python begins, the global namespace is created and exists until the interpreter ends.

This may not be the only global namespace that exists, strictly speaking. Moreover, the interpreter establishes a global namespace for every module that your application imports.

Namespaces that are Local and Enclosing

As you now know, everytime a function runs, the interpreter establishes a new namespace. The namespace in question is local to the function and exists there till the function is finished.

The main programme level is not the only level at which functions can live independently of one another.

Python generates a new namespace for f when the main programme executes the function f() (). Similar to this, when f() calls g(), g() receives a unique namespace of its own. The enclosing namespace is the namespace produced for f(), whereas the local namespace is the namespace established for g().

These namespaces each continue to exist until the function of their respective functions. When those functions finish running, Python might not instantly free up the memory set aside for those namespaces, but any references to the objects they contained become invalid.

Flexible Scope

Because there are several, unique namespaces, while a Python programme is running, multiple instances of a given name may exist. They are all maintained independently and won’t conflict with one another as long as each instance is in a different namespace.

That begs the question, though: Let’s say you use the name x in your code, and x is present in many namespaces. Why does Python know which one you’re referring to?

The idea of scope holds the key to the solution. The area of a programme where a name has significance is referred to as its scope. Based on where the name definition appears and where the name is referenced in the code, the interpreter decides this at runtime.

Referring back to the original query, if your code makes reference to the term x, Python looks for x in the following namespaces in the order displayed:

Local: If you make a reference to x inside a function, the interpreter looks for it in the function’s innermost scope first.

Enclosing: The interpreter looks at the scope of the enclosing function if x isn’t in the local scope but appears in a function that is contained inside another function.

Global: The interpreter examines in the global scope next if neither of the previous searches yields any results.

Built-in: The interpreter looks in the built-in scope if it is unable to locate x elsewhere.

Although the word “LEGB rule” doesn’t technically appear in the Python manual, it is widely referred to as such in Python literature. From the inside out, the interpreter looks for a name in the local, enclosing, global, and ultimately the built-in scopes.


We have studied about Python namespaces and scope in this post. Additionally, we studied the various Python namespaces with examples. In python programming, each and every element is regarded as an object. A name is nothing more than an object’s identifier. And the location in the main memory that corresponds to that object is called space. A namespace is a group of names connected to a certain location in main memory. Built-in Namespace, Global Namespace, and Local Namespace are the three different namespace types in Python. The namespace in Python is related to the scope of variables.

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