Being a graphic designer
It would be great if you could travel back in history and offer advice to younger people. There is nothing to alter the time-space continuum, but there are some tips that can help you avoid costly and painful mistakes. Being a graphic designer, I am providing creative graphic designing services to different companies and individuals.
You could have avoided some bad deals, avoided trouble more often, and made better life decisions. Although a time machine may seem impossible at the moment, there are ways to make a living as a graphic designer without any danger of time-travel ripples.
Why not take a look at the future when you’re considering a Graphic Design degree? Experts in graphic design have shared some of their greatest regrets before they entered the field. We’ve put together a list of helpful information to make it easier.
Boring work is part and parcel of gigs
Professionals with creativity-centric jobs have the opportunity to use their artistic talents for a day job. However, that doesn’t mean they can make whatever they want. Natalie Downey, Senior Designer at Duckpin, says that being a professional graphic artist is not about boring work but building cool brands that require lots creativity.
Customers, clients, or even your company may give you a project, and your priority is often theirs before yours. The two should often work together. Downey however says that tedium is a part of graphic design just as with other careers.
Collaboration is key
Although it’s easy to be proud of your designs and your ideas, working as a graphic artist requires you to collaborate with others. Although there are many variables that must be considered when adding people to your work, Downey believes teamwork can be very rewarding.
Downey states that collaboration was one of my favorite aspects of working in a design firm. “Working in a team, and seeing things from different perspectives, forces you to think differently. It almost always leads to stronger concepts.”
Every project is unique and no designer is the right fit. Best IT services company I worked with is Universal solz.
Savanna Pinder is the creative team leader at Geek Powered Studios. She says, “I entered this field thinking that a great design can create for anyone.” In reality, the client-designer pairing is similar to any other close relationship. Styles, temperaments and values should complement one another.
Pinder says that it is possible to get into a lot of trouble by starting off with these conflicts. Although you might not always be able to make the right choices, communicating big picture concepts with clients early on can help you decide if you are willing to take on the project. Pinder says, “I have created pieces that the client insisted that I publish that I made.”
It’s better for everyone and a lot more fun when you and your client are on the same wavelength.
Realistic expectations are not always possible
It is possible to predict how long a project will take, including all the steps that are involved in executing it. You can predict how the design decisions will play out in a final product, and what the aesthetic impact on it. These things are not always known by your client, boss, or customer.
Downey said, “I was shocked by unrealistic expectations from clients.” “Whether you have an unrealistic deadline or a budget, you should be ready to find a solution.” Downey says that you may need to make compromises in order to build a better design relationship. As a professional who is skilled in design, it’s up to you to communicate honestly with clients and managers.
Data analytics impacts designers too
The trend in data analytics to make better decisions seems to have spread to hundreds of career paths, including design. Pinder states that while it is important to specialize, designers should be able to do all the things. Pinder says that the latest addition to your toolbox is being able dive into data and analysis and make informed decisions based upon the results.
You can learn a lot from an online course or even a course. This could help you in your job search and design career.
Freelancing requires that you always receive a deposit before you start freelancing.
Clients expecting work for nothing in graphic design are well-known. Alex Kemmler, of abound host, says, “I’m sure you don’t have to tell me how many sob stories I have, mine included, of being ripped-off by bad clients.”
It’s fine to have clear expectations from both you and your client, even if the arrangement is not paid. However, don’t let contract ambiguity rob you from your work and your time.
Kemmler states, “Simply put: my number one tip” is to always receive a deposit before you start work. Kemmler suggests drafting a statement to work that outlines what is included in the price and what is not, as well as payment terms and a schedule.
Next, deposit at least 25% upfront. “Legitimate clients will not have a problem paying for work that has yet to be done.”
Although every client is different, Kemmler states that clients who refuse to pay a deposit are more likely to be stiff or otherwise difficult to work alongside.
There are many career choices available
Graphic design is not a career that can be done in one direction. Graphic design is a skill that can be used in many roles. Casey Mathison is the brand experience manager at Marr Media Group. “There are many avenues in graphic design.” Graphic designer could be defined as an animator, illustrator, layout artist, web designer, UX designer or any combination thereof. This is a multifaceted job!
Never stop learning
The initial education does not end there. Mathison states, “You will never stop learning.” Mathison says, “I see this more as a positive. However, it can be overwhelming trying to keep up in an industry that changes every day.”
You will also find your work more valuable and versatile if you have more experience. Employees with more than one experience can find many opportunities. It’s amazing what a little bit of extra knowledge can do for you.
The journey to becoming a graphic designer
This advice from graphic designers pros will inspire you to learn more. Graphic design skills are only as good as your experience.
Mathison states, “I would tell my younger self that I want to get started earlier.” Mathison says, “If I could, if I could, I would go back and push my self to do it. I would love to have an additional 10 years of experience.
You might be interested in graphic design if you still have an interest. Find out more about common outcomes in our article, “What Can I Do With a Graphic Design Degree?” Explore Your Options