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Where are the best doctors for Urology in Delhi?

Doctors for Urology in Delhi

Many of you search for online solutions regarding problems in the urinary system. Most of you get the solution but still go to urologists and numerous people are still not getting a solution on the internet. The point is instead of saving money, you must consult with the right doctor to solve your urinary system disease. We know a hospital that will not charge too high and guarantees to provide excellent facilities to all. For the best doctors for Urology in Delhi, Tirath Ram Shah hospital is Superlative. 

Why only Tirath Ram Shah hospital?

When you book your appointment with the right doctors they will explain to you the urologic disease such as bladder control problems, urinary tract infections, kidney stones, and so on. It is better to put your right foot forward for Tirath Ram Shah hospital because they have the best urologists in east Delhi

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Give them a call and they can share all the treatments and services they will offer-

  • PCNL Prosthetic surgery
  • Artificial urethral sphincter URS
  • Reconstructive uro-oncology pediatric urology
  • Stone clinic gynae oncology
  • Ureteroscopy andrology and male infertility

They can handle urological disorders for males and females both. Even if you come with the problem of male reproductive organs, doctors are professionals to handle that as well. 

All about Prostate and Bladder to know

First off, the prostate makes the fluid in semen and the bladder will store the urine. The prostate problem will happen mostly to men who cross 50 years of age as it gives pressure on the urinary tract. In all this, bladder problems suddenly create. 

Symptoms of Bladder problems:

  1. Leaking urine with no warning
  2. Leaking urine while doing sexual activity
  3. Leaking urine while performing various activities each day
  4. Wetting your bed while sleeping

Tirath Ram Shah hospital has a well-versed team who can handle complex bladder and prostate procedures. The hospital even received many questions regarding urological disease and the treatment. It is all because of the doctor’s rich experience that helped this hospital to shine like a sun. 

Symptoms of Prostate problems:

  1. Pain urination
  2. Dribbling of urine
  3. Waking up many times to urinate while sleeping
  4. Sudden pain in the lower back and hips

Define Urinary incontinence

Any of your family members are facing the problem of urine leaking where he/she can’t control? This urological problem is called urinary incontinence. Many of you think it is just a medical problem but the fact is it can affect the social and psychological life of a human. Their normal activities get stopped because of this urological problem. 

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What are the types of Urinary incontinence?

  • Stress incontinence
  • Urge incontinence
  • Overflow incontinence
  • Functional incontinence
  • Mixed incontinence

Some of the best prevention you must follow:

  • Do not drink alcohol
  • Drink a lot of water
  • You must avoid acidic fruit juice
  • No caffeine
  • Tell that person to avoid medications such as diuretics and antihistamines

Doctors can even tell you some of the most important treatments for this urological problem such as blood and stress tests, postvoid residual measurement, urodynamics, etc.

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