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What Are Some Reliable Thesis Topics for an English Major?

“The English language is nobody’s special property. It is the property of the imagination; it is the property of the language itself.”Derek Walcott

English is the essential means of communication and widely accepted language. It is the language of education and the language of workspace in the majority of countries. The major of English language/literature is quite extensive. It is so elastic that there are multiple words or synonyms for a single word. You can say a single sentence in multiple ways. As Jonathan Culver said:

“The English language is a work in progress. Have fun with it.”

You can add as much in this language as you want and it still will be called the English language. Many students chose the major of English literature to explore the English literary traditions. However; it is a fact that it requires a lot of writing which is why students often take online dissertation help. Nevertheless; it is completely fine to take professional help if the student has an understanding of the topic.

Major of English and its importance:

English literature is one such major that does not confine the student to one particular field. A student who has done a master’s or doctorate level study in English can join the field of media to the field of writing. It is because they are acknowledged enough to write about almost anything and have done theses on various topics; some students take research proposal help UK-based services for that while some do their thesis on their own. Following are some of the benefits of choosing English as your major:

  • It helps the students in understanding the role of critical analysis of any analytical situation.
  • It allows the students to give words to their imaginations in the form of writing a play, a story, a log, etc.
  • It enables the students to use new communicative skills in different ways.
  • It gives knowledge of American literature.
  • It helps you experience different emotions in the form of prose and poetry.

Thesis on English major:

Writing a thesis does not mean just rushing over words (thedissertationhelp, 2022). A thesis is a piece of academic writing in which original research is conducted to persuade the reader and convince him with the writer’s point of view. The formatting of thesis writing in the English major is the same as that of any other major. It also includes the division of the research work into five chapters Equal stress is laid on the topic selection of the English thesis works like any other research work.

Reliable English thesis topics in the English major:

A topic for the thesis must be selected based on the following points:

  • It must be exclusive and unique.
  • It must be relevant and up to date.
  • It must be appealing and interesting.
  • It must have a scope of wide research.

Following are some of the most reliable and best English thesis topics that students can choose for their research work:

1. Women’s depiction in art forms through the ages:

Feminism is getting a voice now more than ever before. As time is progressing, people are getting more aware of the caliber of women. This change or advancement of thought has been seen in the literary works of the writers and poets as well. So; this research work can be based upon those findings and how the portrayal of women changed in literary works with time.

2. Comparison between the novels and the movies based on those novels:

This can be another relevant thesis topic in English literature where students can discuss how different movies have been based upon some of the famous literary works. These works might vary from pride & prejudice to the notebook. This thesis can argue upon the comparisons between the movie and the novel on the characters, settings, and the amount of justice it managed to do to the main storyline.

3. A study on the poetic imagination with anatomy:

This thesis work can be based upon the poetic work done in American literature. Students can persuade the reader with their findings that how there is a deep relation between the English poetry and the anatomy. Different references can be given to support your point of view.

4. The genre of Romeo & Juliet:

Everybody is familiar with this masterpiece of Shakespeare, especially the English Literature students. This literary work has been viewed from different perspectives under different lights. Students can evaluate the genre of this literary work in his thesis project as per his understanding.

5. A critical analysis of pre and post-world war literature:

Students can critically analyze the literature of writers before the world war and after the world war. They can highlight the influence of the war on literature and how war has affected different characters and storylines of literary work pieces.

6. The study on the depiction of religion and politics in literature:

Various literary forms, whether it is poetry, prose, novel, or any ballad have touched on the topic of religion and politics (of that period). This thesis work can throw light on these literary works and how these two genres have been discussed in various forms of literature.

7. Modernism VS Realism VS Romanticism in literature:

Most of the famous literary works are divided between these three important literary genres. So; a student can give a brief comparison of these three in the light of some famous literary works. As it is quite an extensive topic; beginning with Chaucer’s time and going on with analyzing the interconnection of individual writers (Blamires, 2020) so; a student will have to select the content quite wisely in this research work.


The major of English is quite extensive so there are many interesting topics on which students can write their thesis projects upon. Hopefully; the above-mentioned topics will help the students in selecting a topic for their thesis.


Blamires, H. (24th Sep, 2020). A Short History of English Literature (1st ed.). London: Routledge.

thedissertationhelp. (2022, Jan 3rd). How To Write A Thesis Outline. https://thedissertationhelp.co.uk/how-to-write-a-thesis-outline/ .

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