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Tips to Optimize Your Instagram Marketing for Growth

5 Ways to Optimize Your Instagram Marketing for Growth

Instagram has introduced to the world almost a decade ago. In these years, it has changed a lot. What changes are done to it is however questionable. According to experts the change was well received and gave so many bounties that many of us don’t go deep into the question. But still, for the sake of curiosity here we are explaining it all.

The Change in Instagram

Modifications were made in the application for several reasons. The prime reason however is about the kind of marketing platform it had to become. Today in 2022, the paradigm shift towards marketing is enabling Instagram to make more than ever money. So much more than some of us join Instagram for the sake of marketing purposes. The kind of change it had made over all these years is bountiful because of the following reasons.

Reason #1: IG introduced some ways to add a more productive approach to marketing

Reason #2: Instagram also added a couple of methods to make more ROI than ever before

Reason #3: With the decision of adding features to augment businesses, IG made a new milestone to empower startups

Another question that may come to your mind is…

What Happens with Perfect Instagram Marketing?

Another question that is asked regularly is about the impact of perfect IG marketing. Why is it important to make sure your business account on Instagram is optimized to the point it makes enough traction? When we say the word “traction” it denotes all the aspects – visibility, reach, perfect number of Instagram followers, reasonable comment rate, etc.

To ensure all that happens, it is a must to get a maximum engagement rate – something based on which the algorithms are set. Once there is a good number of Instagram likes, comments, followers, and views. The prospects of making better clientele get higher. Otherwise, why would anyone need hype in the IG business account?

What Determines Successful Business Instagram Account?

Success is not the same for all. Some of us want to achieve a better engagement rate. Another lot only looks for the best conversion rate. In either situation, something is constant – the growth of the account.

So, what really makes your account grow and stabilize all the business-oriented functionalities?

The answer to that is quite simple. You have to manage to learn the basics of Instagram SEO. That will surely help your brand or business of any nature augment.

But what if you are not looking for anything of this sort? What if you are looking for some basic tips that will leave a deep impact on your account?

7 Ways to Optimize Instagram Marketing for Growth

If you are looking for just tips and tricks that will help you achieve the most fundamental Instagram marketing in regard to optimization of growth. Don’t worry! We have you covered. Just follow these tips to make sure of the growth.

Tip1: Use of Collaborations (As Well as Influencer Marketing)

It takes two heads to think better, yeah? People as in the audience tend to like and appreciate those businesses that don’t blabber about their achievements. What do they highly endorse? Let’s check it out.

Endorsement #1: if and when someone reshares or reposts your content

Endorsement #2: if and when your content as in post has your hashtag or mentioning

Endorsement #3: if and when one or more posts have a testimonial, customer experience, or anything similar

All of these turn out to work in the best interest. Why? Well, these endorsements help a business grow on the basis of reliability, authenticity, and trust level.

There is however another way of dealing with collaborations – finding a soul-business partner. Yeah, a similar business model and the industry or a person who has an identical targeted audience. How does collaboration help your business grow? What is the importance of collaborations in your existing business? Considering the win-win situation, the following are some ways through which collaborations work in favor of both parties (both parties = you and the collaboration identity).

#1: it is the perfect way to give shoutouts to each other

#2: featuring content from another business will make you get features content too

#3: course of progression is the same; you can relate to and help each other without any tussle

However, all these findings or results are based on working with the right collaboration. Without the right fit, your business will not meet monthly, bimonthly, quarterly, half-year, or yearly milestones.

Tip2: Understand the Nature of Your Audience (Target Your Audience)

As mentioned above, many times flawed marketing is based on the wrong pick of audience. What is the wrong audience though? See, there are certain ways to pick and locate the most targeted audience. Following are some of the normal ways to determine the audience to market your business on Instagram.

#1: age, geographical location, gender of potential buyers

#2: preferences – likes and dislikes of your prospective buyers

#3: analytics and insights on Instagram helps in finding the targeted audience

The importance of finding the targeted audience is based on four reasons.

Reason #1 of targeting audience: focuses audience which shows interest in your products or services

Reason #2 for targeting audience: level of loyalty is maintained and if it drops, it bounces back again

Reason #3 of targeting audience: engagement rate is significantly higher by a targeted audience

Reason #4 for targeting the audience: likeability of content being reposted is boosted

What helps in maintaining engagement rate and other elements? It is all dependent on the type of lingo people use.

But at the same time, you should know (as an Instagram marketer) that the game isn’t over yet! You still have to be mindful and careful about competitors with the same kind of audience. Why? The answer to it is pretty simple – they share your audience & the targeted audience has two or more options to choose from (you or others).

Another concerning factor in this regard is to find out about their preferences. What you can do to handle this problem?

Here are some ways;

Way #1: ask the audience what they would like to watch, read, or get to know in the next post?

Way #2: how do the audience see your content – satisfactory, okay, good, or bad?

Way #3: questioning and answering sessions, live sessions, and activities to win coupons can help in knowing the preferences of your targeted audience.

Tip3: Strategic Realistic Planning (Plan in Advance)

Everything needs some strategic planning, right? In the same way, after knowing the following areas thoroughly, you will be able to figure out the content type to post. Without knowing that, you might end up posting content that is not liked by the audience.

Enlisted below are the four areas that you need to know.

#1: know your targeted audience

#2: understand the differences and USP (user selling point) of your audience

#3: see what kind of content is produced by your rivals

#4: compete with rivals strategically

What you shouldn’t even bother to think about?

You see, there are many issues and grey areas in marketing. The basic rule of thumb in this regard is to “leave what you can’t preach or sell”. It clearly means to produce content that is liked and appreciated. If you are not sure about something, research and learn about it. After doing the needful, just decide if the particular thing is rewarding or not.

Bonus tip: never post anything randomly or just for the heck of it. The audience is quite smart and knows when you are running out of content.

Tip: Engage in Other IG Accounts (That Are Like Your Business or Brand)

If you are really up to maintaining or increasing the level of the game on Instagram. You got to do something! What is that? Let’s check it out.

First thing first, please understand the need of commenting on something you had created in posts. That will bring a boost in exposure. Also, make sure you are not doing the following things while commenting.

Not to #1: never comment on every random post. Instead, comment on posts you can resonate with.

Not to #2: Never hire a bot to comment. Do it yourself so that your credibility is improved.

Not to #3: never go off the limits. Maintain boundaries and effort of being real.

Not to #4: never act like a spamming weirdo. Comment once with all you need to say or tell. Keep the focus and give opinions howsoever liked.

Tip5: Make Meaningful Use of Geolocations (As Well as Locations through Tagging)

The next tip that will do wonders in Instagram marketing is to make use of tagging locations. These geolocational tags are the perfect blend of infusing the authenticity and credibility of businesses. For example, if someone visits your office, tag them in your post. Allowing the world to know your presence and the kind of people who visit your workplace can bring chances to grow. Adding a caption and geolocation will help other businesses grow too. That way, the prospects of growth multiply. How and why, it is done or achieved?

First of all, as soon as you mention someone’s business location. They are notified. After which most of them like to return the favor so that you two can grow with each other. Knowing that we might think of choosing fun ways to use geolocation of a business. Some of them are mentioned below.

Advantage #1: check-in your or other’s business points

Advantage #2: create your very own geolocation and use it wherever needed

Advantage #3: choose locations to tag concerning their category

Where can you use location tags?

Well, you can use it in the following ways.

#1: on your stories

#2: in the comments

#3: in the description of live sessions

Bonus Tip!!! – Stay Consistent in Plans and Content

Never stop the flow you have maintained. Be sure what kind of consistency you can take for years or months. Then, keep it in mind and plan a content strategy.

Read More: Tips for A Flawless Instagram Takeover

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