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The importance of hair and hair loss control

It isn’t uncommon for people to struggle with the emotions they feel in response to experiencing hair loss. After all, there is no doubt about the importance of hair in our lives. For many people who experience hair loss, there’s profound grief that is easily justified by the loss of a part of their visual identity. Unfortunately, the reality and the weight of this grief are all too often brushed off by those who do not have this experience. They may even argue that it really isn’t that big of a deal. It’s just hair, after all. For the best hair restoration, Eazicolor has, Use Eazicolor hair color and hair care products.


The problem is that it isn’t just hair. For literal millennia, human societies have ascribed meaning to hair. Today, a good head of hair is associated with feminine beauty and male virility. On a deeper level, our hair also communicates our social status, our sexuality, and even a level of personal responsibility via our control over our hair. When you begin to suffer hair loss, all of these layered meanings become diluted. You’ve essentially lost control over how you choose to present yourself to the rest of society.


Even if we look beyond society and toward the individual, it is impossible to ignore the importance of hair. You see it in the mirror every morning. It is an integral part of how you view yourself. You cut it. You color it. And you style it. Every choice is an artistic move to shape how you want other people to view you. It shifts with every change in personality and each new stage of maturity. In a very real way, your hair tells your own personal history. Losing it is like losing a visual representation of all those memories.


The circumstances that contributed to your hair loss will partially determine your response. Hormonal changes, chemotherapy, several medical conditions, and a genetic predisposition for hair loss can all cause this change. Regardless of the cause, if you’re struggling to cope emotionally, you should seek professional counseling. There is no shame in admitting that a drastic change in your physical appearance is upsetting you, so don’t wait to ask for help.

From there, your response will largely depend on whether or not your hair is likely to grow back. If you’re experiencing hormonal changes, then you may be able to hide your bald spots with creative hairstyling. If you’re going through chemotherapy, it may be better to do a quick shave and find yourself a nice wig until your treatment is over. These options can sometimes work for permanent hair loss as well, but there are more options that you may want to consider.

Creative hairstyling and wigs are decent options for handling hair loss if you aren’t comfortable going bald, but they do require a daily commitment that can be rather taxing. If your hair loss is the result of a medical condition or a genetic predisposition, then you may want to consider hair transplant surgery in Houston.

Using modern medical technology, specialists are now able to take hair follicles from other parts of your head and neck to rebuild a full head of hair on your scalp. It is your hair, grows naturally, and allows you to cut and style it as you wish once it has healed. If that wasn’t good enough, Hair Specialist Houston uses the Neograft method to ensure that you can naturally grow a full head of hair with absolutely no scarring.

For someone suffering from permanent hair loss, there is no better option for re-asserting your control over your appearance and using your hair as a means of self-expression. If you’re tired of baldness, cover-up hairstyles, and wigs, then reach out to Dr. Cain Linville for a consultation.

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