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Put Your Interests and Hobbies in Resume

Including interests and hobbies in resume allows you to display various essential professional abilities while demonstrating to employers that you’d be an excellent cultural fit.

However, in some circumstances, an interests section on your CV is considered improper. Before you put your interests and hobbies on your resume, be sure you understand when it is appropriate.

Please scroll down to see our complete list of job-related interests and hobbies and advice on where and how to include them in your resume.

Should you include your interests and hobbies on your resume?

Yes, if you lack work experience and want to offer employers a better picture of what you’re like outside of work (which frequently gives some insight into what you’d be like in the office), you should include your hobbies and interests in your resume.

Interests and hobbies reveal that you are a well-rounded applicant by demonstrating necessary hard and soft skills.

Do not include interests and hobbies on your resume if you already have a few years of job experience. You can fill in a one-page summary with relevant professional abilities and qualifications.

Tip: First, fill out the proper Resume sections, then add your interests and hobbies so hiring managers can evaluate if you’ve met their essential employment requirements.

Here are more examples of when you should and shouldn’t add your hobbies and interests to your resume:

Include your hobbies or interests if:

  • They are relevant to the company or position
  • your education and work experience do not complete a one-page resume
  • they allow you to display talents pertinent to the role
  • the organisation requests you to include this information
  • you are aware the firm values tailored applications

Include your hobbies or interests only if they:

  • Suggest antisocial or isolated behaviour
  • may be regarded as hazardous or violent
  • incompatible with the culture or principles of a corporation
  • may be regarded as impolite or discriminating
  • Disclose sensitive information such as political or religious affiliations

How to List Interests and Hobbies on a Resume

Now that you’ve got a shortlist of extracurricular activities for your resume, here’s how to list them properly.

1. Create an interests and hobbies section on your resume

Interests should be listed on your resume in a section titled “Interests & Hobbies” or “Personal Interests.”

Including your interests and hobbies in a distinct area lets companies quickly distinguish them from your work experience on your resume.

Then, in a bulleted list, include 3-5 interests or hobbies similar to how you’d style your resume’s skills section.

Here’s an example of what a interests and hobbies section looks like:

Interest and Hobbies in Resume
  • camping
  • Surfing
  • Creative Writing
  • Reading Science fiction Novels
  • Long distance cycling

If you lack employment experience, consider expanding your resume’s interests section. For example, give a one-line explanation for each passion that outlines what you do or how it connects to the role.

If feasible, quantify each argument by including complex numbers like percentages or times.

These summaries can compensate for a lack of professional experience by highlighting some of your best achievements, even if they occurred outside of the office.

Also Read: What makes you unique

2. List interests at the bottom of your resume

Put your interests section at the bottom or side of your resume (depending on your resume layout).

While including passions on your resume may make you appear more attractive as a candidate, it is ultimately the least critical information to include.

3. Tailor your interests list to the job advertisement

Before you begin listing your passions on your resume, ensure they will be well-received by the firm you want to work for and demonstrate that you are a strong cultural match.

For example, if you’re applying to a company that recently took its employees on a company-sponsored trek, include outdoor activities such as hiking or camping on your resume to make a positive first impression and demonstrate that you’d fit in well with the company.

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