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How to Increase Instagram Engagement For Your Brand?

Instagram Engagement



Marketers might be forgiven for not always knowing the best approach to packaging and distributing content for Instagram engagement, which now has more than one billion users globally, due to the number of upgrades Instagram launched in 2018. Marketers may gain an edge over the competition if they approach the channel with strategy and use its resources.

You may be curious to learn about recent research by social media analytics, the content of roughly 9 million Instagram posts across more than 44,000 Instagram Business pages.

Videos Significantly Increase User Engagement


Video content generates far more engagement for marketers than images (with “interactions” defined by Quintly as the sum of likes and comments). The data reveals that brand video posts receive 21% more engagements than photos from the same brand. According to the research, users are more likely to interact with carousels than with single images. When compared to single-image postings, engagements with carousels increase by 18.6 percent.

Instagram post has more than 150 characters


Sixty percent or more of brands use captions of at least 150 characters in length. A third of Instagram business profiles have posts with content longer than 300 characters. There were exactly 30% of posts between 150 and 300 characters long, and almost 30% were between 50 and 150 characters long. Only around 10% of posts included exactly 50 characters long text.

Users Engage More With Shorter Posts


The greatest brand posts are over 50 characters, yet the ones that get the most engagement are under 50. Among accounts with fewer than a million followers, those whose posts were between 1 and 50 characters long had the highest levels of engagement. However, postings with effective description received higher engagement on company accounts with more than a million followers. Instagram stories are 15 to 60 seconds short videos that will receive more engagement. There are many people who post Instagram stories regularly to get their audience’s attention. If you buy Instagram story views automatically to your popular stories, it will appear in your followers’ story feed whenever you post. 

Some Fascinating Instagram Statistics You Should Know


Google has assured publication companies that it will compensate them for the “yellow ad” error. In the United States and Australia, a test yellow rectangle ad has been showing up after a trainee mistakenly activated it. Google has lost almost $10 million because of this blunder.

Seventy-plus percent of millennials have shared their opinion on the customer service they received on Twitter.  Two-thirds of Twitter users claim they have made a purchase decision based on engagement with a brand on the platform. Another interesting finding from the poll is that Twitter users are 11% more likely to purchase as a result of an engagement with a company than users of other social platforms.

Researchers have shown that creative email topics result in more readership and activity. Marketing analyzed six billion email messages and found that emails with unusual topics. For example, National Dog Day or Groundhog Day, had conversion rates four times higher than usual.

Emails may now be asked to be read aloud by Amazon Alexa. With Alexa’s assistance, users may also delete emails or reply to them by voice. Alexa now supports reading emails sent to Gmail, Outlook.com, Hotmail, and Live.com accounts.

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